another year another carrot ;))

Ceasul ticaie frumos in capusorul meu si am inceput to google stuff to do before you’re 21. Si uite peste ce am dat:

21 things to do before you’re 21

1. Take a road trip.

Done 😀 Am fugit de capul nostru la Brasov 😀 ROAD TRIP

2. Learn to play a musical instrument.

se pune ca stiu intro-ul de la Metallica Nothing else matters?
si adaug faptul ca sunt afona

3. Go skinny-dipping!

not really….:P poate anul asta

4. Save $1,000.

:)) Am salvat si i-am cheltuit la fel de repede. Nu cred ca era chiar aceea suma dar suficient ca sa imi iau aparatul foto mult dorit care implineste si el un an acus.

5. Know your grandparents.

My Gramps rocks 😀

6. Buy a lottery ticket.

hmm… cred ca am facut si asta. tot astept marele castig de la loteria dar ar trebui sa joc mai des

7. Win an award.

Yes, I am amazing 😀 And oh so modest

8. Say “I love you.”

hmmm…veni vidi vici
Oh well a treia oara e cu noroc ,nu?

9. Learn to drive a stick shift.

😀 And I am a natural. Conduc “tancul” lu tata si am ajuns sa o pot parca la milimetru

10. Milk a cow.

=)) Ma batut prima data… nu nimeream galeata

11. Forgive someone.
a tricky one . But anger is resentment is a waste of energy. Don’t you agree?

12. Have your fortune told.
Cand aveam 18 ani m-a luat o ghicitoare de manuta la Sighisoara si mi-a spus ca o sa ma casatoresc din interes si ca , in acel moment, cineva ma iubeste foarte mult ( poor poor guy)

13. Go to a drive-in.
eh pe la Baneasa unul…. poate ajung si pe acolo

14. Do your own laundry.
😀 Cand m-am intors de la camin prima oara cu o groaza de haine pt spalat am pus eu frumos detergent si balsam cat trebuia si m-am asezat frumos in fata masini si ma uitam cum se invart hainele. E un adevarat miracol…they go round and round and they come put all clean and puffy

15. Ride a horse.
DA 😀 Si am sarit si obsatacole

16. Donate your formal dresses.
hmm…surioara mea se amuza incercand hainele mele care le-a pastrat mama mea de cand eram mica

17. See the ocean.
Marea Neagra, Marea Mediterana… urmeaza si oceanul

18. Waitress at least once.
sunt cam impiedicata sa pot sa duc atatea lucruri la o masa….
as ajunge eu sa ii platesc :))

19. See one thing that is “the world’s largest.”
😀 Parthenon- Greece, Turnul Eiffel , Louvre….
am vazut multe si planuiesc sa mai vad

20. Leave the country.
yes 😀 si mai vreau

21. Learn how to love your body.
check 😀

Hmmm deci sunt pregatita sa intru in fabuloasa varsta de 21 de ani?
Eu zic ca da:D
btw pot sa beau legal in orice tara. Si suna asa de interesant la 16 ani sa pot sa beau oriunde legal…
Big whoop


everything burns…

Sambata pe la vreo 11 coleguta mea de camera (aka Jumatatea mea de neuron) tot ma batea la cap ca miroase a fum de tigara. Nasul meu nu functioneaza la capacitate normala asa ca trebuie sa fie foarte puternic mirosul respectiv ca sa il percep si eu. Nu a fost cazul la ora aia.
Eu sustineam sus si tare ca ii miroase ei a fum in capusorul ei. Stiti voi BATMAN BATMAN
Dar, era prea mult zgomot pe hol pt 11 dimineata ( pt mine 11 sambata e dimineata). Buuun…deschid frumos usa fum de sa il tai cu cutitul ca sa vezi ceva, pe jos era un furtun. Inchis inapoi usa….. bad nightmare …inca dorm. Need to wake up!
Pana una alta deschidem laaaarg geamul. Da buzna si un pompier cu deschideti geamul si stai in camera desi cred ca zis si ca am putea sa fugim jos numai sa lasam geamul deschis.
Noi, fiind destul de lenese la ora aia, am decis sa stam pe langa geam si sa ne luam micul dejun uitandu-ne la masinile de pompieri de afara. Incediul respectiv a fost la numai 4 camere departare.
Si, in timpul incediului ce faceam noi… si mai si de cat sa ne luam micul dejun.
Am intrat pe mess :))
D. cu al ei “arde caminul”
si eu , si mai geniu mic, “no shit Sherlocks”
baietii au fost socati de comoditatea noastra si lipsa oricarui instinct de RUN save yourself. But, era doar mult fum no fire was coming our way …. and if we really really had to we would have saved ourself and various stuff.
E culmea ca arde caminul dupa sesiune si cica a pornit de la o siguranta unde era bagat un laptop si s-a facut un scurtcircuit.

Welcome to my nightmare… I think you’re gonna like it

Noul meu cosmar se bazeaza pe intalnirea mea de gradul 3 cu domn doctor. Dl doctor a fost foarte bine intentionat dar eu ma asteptam la un miracol chiar daca bietul om nu are nici un fel de putere speciala ( he ain’t a witch doctor).
Cum am ajuns la el?
Simplu, nu puteam sa respir pe nas absolut deloc. Niete nada nothing! Imi punem absolut oricare dintre produsele de desfundat nasul si peste maxim 30 de min ma intorceam la I NEED AIR.
Mi-am luat inima in dinti si m-am dus sa imi cuaterizez cornetele cu radiofrecventa. (aparent they were extra large)
Basically, un ac urias a fost introdus in nasul meu si apoi o chestie care a ars si simteam mirosul de ars si lumina de la chestiuta doctorului de pe cap era ca lumina de la capatul tunelui. Se facea asta si apoi se baga un tup pe nas pana la gat ca sa aspire. NOT FUN
Dupa, imi venea sa il iau la bataie pe bietul om for inflicting unnecessary pain dar a scapat cu viata.
Traumatizant, enervant si pe moment mi se paruse inutil pt ca nu respiram cu nimic mai mult.
But, a week later ma simt mai bine. Nasul se reintoarce la o capacitate oarecum normala…
i still can’t smell the roses but i am waiting for that 😀

So lov, daca poti sa respiri pe nas fara batai de cap. You are lucky:P


Am primit o leapsa super cute de la Silvy si cum sunt in plina sesiune I have nothing better to do 😛

1. How are you feeling today?
Rob Thomas- Someday

2. Will you get far in life?
Sheryl Crow- My Favorite Mistake

3. How do your friends see you?
The Corrs- So young 😀

4. Will you get married?
Feist- the park

5. What’s your best friend’s theme?
the Killers- Mr. Brightside

6. What is the story of your life?
the Killers- the world that we live in

7. What was high school like?
Shreyl Crow- All I wanna do

8. How can you get ahead in life?
Go Gos- I want candy =))=))

9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Shania Twain- You re still the one

10. What is in store for this weekend?
Bryn Christopher- My World

11. What song describes you?
The Killers- All the pretty faces
( am ceva cu the Killers azi )

12. What song would describe your grandparents?
The Engine Room- Perfect Lie

13. How is your life going?
Gary Moore- Story of the Blues

14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Coldplay- Death and all his friends
well I’ll be damned

15. How does the world see you?
Gary Jules- Falling Awake
(Monkeys in my heart
Are rattling their cages )

16. Will you have a happy life?
Kid Rock- All Summer Long
hell yeah 😀

17. Do people secretly lust after you?
Seal- Kiss from a rose

18. How can I make myself happy?
Joshua Radin – One of those days

19. What should you do with your life?
Red Hot Chili Peppers- Give it away

Buuuun, ca sa mai aman putin intorsul la gloriosul invatat care o sa imi mai guverneze viata pana pe 12 februarie ( hey nu vreau sesiunea de vara 😛 got plans :D) pasez mai departe : Jade, Corina si Ema

Oh and btw 😀 Ma duc la AC/DC :d:d:d
you are allowed to hate me now 😛

Happy New Year lov’

Enjoy ;))

The “glass half full part”: we are getting a year older, more of that lovely experience coming our way….

So, smile and wave to the imbecility

“Hai la munte”

Era intr-o noapte de vineri cand lumea incepuse sa incetineasca si noi ne-am reunit sa ne vedem de nebunii.
Ne-am plans de mila de toate tampeniile care trebuie sa le facem, cat de inutile si stupide sunt. Cat de obositi, stresati si fara de viata ne simtim. Si cum iluzia ca “in facultate e distractie mare” nu se aplica mai de loc la noi.
Suntem niste tristi…
Si se aude o voce care sugereaza mai cu ironie mai cu o dorinta arzatoare “Hai la munte!”
Se lasa o liniste, ne uitam stanga dreapta. Nu aveam nimic mai bun de facut. Si bun nu inseamna neaparat productiv ca mai sunt laboratoare, si inca un partial retardat.
Se aud trompetele de victorie, si cate un zambet apare pe fiecare dintre fetele noastre.
Si dusi am fost !

A doua zi, matinali ( de buna voie) ne-am urcat in masina , am pus motorina, am luat si o harta ca deh sa fim oameni practici.
Am ras, am cantat, am fugit prin zapada, ne-am batut cu zapada (finally!) am mai ras putin. Si eu am apucat sa ma joc cu filtrele mele ( care sunt cadoul meu de Craciun).
Am ajuns si prin Brasov putin, ne-am jucat cu reni.
Pentru o zi nu am mai fost niste tristi ci niste copii mici si inocenti care fugeau prin zapada si inghetau de frig la munte.

The best day in a loooong long time
Thank you crazy people
* huge bear hugs for all *

You got to get yourself together…

Din departare se simt cum vine sarbatorile cu trompete si tot.
Prin toate mall-urile, cafenele, ceainari, parcuri si asa mai departe stau braduti draguti impodobiti.
Oferte peste oferte de bomboane, cadouri promotii care mai de care.
Si singurul meu gand este ca vreau sa vina aceea vacanta sa imi fac si eu bradutul ( cu ajutorul surioarei mele desigur) sa am timp sa simt sarbatorile anul asta.
Nu imi mai fac iluzii ca o sa imi iau chestii productive de facut la mine. No way! Nimic constructiv pentru mine ca oricum este o vancata infima si cand se termina vine nebunia cu pasii rapizi.
Dar acum chiar nu vreau sa ma gandesc si la asta. Nu nu … mai am 2 partiale si cateva laboratoare si gata pe anul asta (calenderistic cel putin).
fingers crossed for me please ;;)
neuronul meu inteligent sa saturat si norocul meu sa imi cada fix ceea ce stiu nu a fost niciodata asa de bun , din contra fix ce nu vreau aia imi pica.
Si mai nou impart un neuron :)) loooong story

U2- stuck in moment

I’m not afraid
Of anything in this world
There’s nothing you can throw at me
That I haven’t already heard

I’m just trying to find
A decent melody
A song that I can sing
In my own company

I never thought you were a fool
But darling look at you
You gotta stand up straight
Carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere baby

You’ve got to get yourself together
You’ve got stuck in a moment
And now you can’t get out of it

Don’t say that later will be better
Now you’re stuck in a moment
And you can’t get out of it

I will not forsake
The colors that you bring
The nights you filled with fireworks
They left you with nothing

I am still enchanted
By the light you brought to me
I listen through your ears
Through your eyes I can see

And you are such a fool
To worry like you do
I know it’s tough
And you can never get enough
Of what you don’t really need now
My, oh my

You’ve got to get yourself together
You’ve got stuck in a moment
And you can’t get out of it

Oh love, look at you now
You’ve got yourself stuck in a moment
And you can’t get out of it

I was unconscious, half asleep
The water is warm ’til you discover how deep

I wasn’t jumping, for me it was a fall
It’s a long way down to nothing at all

You’ve got to get yourself together
You’ve got stuck in a moment
And you can’t get out of it

Don’t say that later will be better
Now you’re stuck in a moment
And you can’t get out of it

And if the night runs over
And if the day won’t last
And if our way should falter
Along the stony pass

And if the night runs over
And if the day won’t last
And if your way should falter
Along this stony pass

It’s just a moment
This time will pass

piticul a vrut sa voteze…

cu vrutul a ramas!

Si data viitoare alegem intre 2 … Si o sa stiu sa imi pun alarma la 7 dimineata sa nu ma complic sa ies din PJS imi pun frumos halatul alb si pufos si chestiile pufoase in picioare imi iau buletinul cobor jos sa votez. Nu o sa ma complic sa ma schimb pt ca stiu ca o sa ma intorc la somn dupa ce pun stampile pe cel care imi inspira mai putin… evilness ( nu stiu ce cuvant sa folosesc aici). Daca te trezesti suficient de devreme sa ma vezi sunt absolut convisa ca o sa fi pe jos de ras. Poate o sa imi uit si smecheria de pus la ochi care e roz si scrie mare:”thank god I’m a woman”

Chipurile am avut sectie de votare fix in camin si presupun ca o sa am si data viitoare. Cu sectia din camin e vina mea ca nu m-am urnit din loc mai repede. Dar, m-am trezit la 11 si era dita mai coada si am tot sperat ca o sa se scurteze dar pe la vreo 7 fara m-am dus . Nici prin gand nu mi-a trecut ca o sa stau in frig 2 ore jumate ca sa NU votez. Pt prima data aveam o idee mai clara pe cine sa votez. M-am si interesat numai ca nu m-am miscat suficient de repede. Sa imi fie rusine..
Pot sa ma consolez cu gandul ca votul meu nu ar fi facut o prea mare diferenta… defapt nu ar fi facut nici o diferenta 😦

Really now people did u had hash brownies before going to vote?

Romantic movies

Oh romantic movies how am I a sucker for you…
Why is that?
I just love how the characters are introduced all strong willed with dreams and lots of issues. And I do love pairing them up in my mind and watching every step of their little dance of “i hate him- i sort of like him and (finally) I am madly and desperately in love with him” (although sometimes that is not the order and they don’t hate each other at the begging of the little dance).
I love how you can always tell when a romantic moment comes along and you need to hug the pillow, have some Kleenex nearby.
The music slows down, the lights diminish … everything slows down even the words that are coming out of the actors mouths seem to be in a time loop. And you just stand there gripping on every single moment and go all “awwwwwww”
You always know in the movies when something like that happens and you can enjoy every moment of it. You know who will end up with whom and the obvious “they lived happily ever after” (sure in some movies someone
the boy or girl got killed off till the end but not all romantic movies end with pink flowers everywhere).

In real life everything is trickier. There is no special recipe to help one in the quest for mind boggling romance. There might not be a Richard Gere coming to you’re rescue in a white limo like in Pretty Woman or a Noah that will build you a freaking house with a special room just for your passion and that will love you till the end even if , at the end, you don’t know who he is because of a disease like in The Notebook. Or the classical Romeo & Juliet where their love overcomes time and space.
Take the English Patient where Ralph Fiennes ( Count ….whatshisface) betrays his country and everything just to try to reach her only to find her dead in the dark and creepy cave. Sure they plane goes boom and his pretty face suffers but that is a good story with the pace of a classical novel that keeps you gripped in the the whole shebang till the very end.

If you can’t tell by now I am a hopeless romantic and I always watch them when I am sick.
I’ve just kicked my flue out of my system and re watched those movies while drinking a nice and warm cup of tea. They did quicken my recovery 😀
Some watch Star wars some watch romantic movies.

I found a cute list here
and you could listen to this while you look that over

You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys

Katy Perry – Ur So Gay

I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf
While jacking off listening to mozart
You bitch and moan about LA
Wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway
You don’t eat meat
And drive electrical cars
You’re so indie rock it’s almost an art
You need SPF 45 just to stay alive

You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like boys
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like…

You’re so sad maybe you should buy a happy meal
You’re so skinny you should really Super Size the deal
Secretly you’re so amused
That nobody understands you
I’m so mean cause I cannot get you outta your head
I’m so angry cause you’d rather MySpace instead
I can’t believe I fell in love with someone that wears more make up than…

You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like boys
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
Find More lyrics at
No you don’t even like…

You walk around like you’re oh so debonair
You pull em’ down and there’s really nothing there
I wish you would just be real with me

You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like boys
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
Oh no no no no no no——-
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like boys
You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like… PENIS!